Happy Anniversary
Minnedosa ... three years ago this morning a cherished, beloved and familiar old friend vanished through an act of arson ...
Three years later, the vacant lot remains, and according to the Minutes of
Assiniboine Presbytery, everything is dealt with and the Board of the Church is to be congratulated on their "quality work" done since then through the 333/363 and so on ...
I have been told repeatedly - "move on" - "let it go" and now I am being counselled by strangers to find a "happy life" (not exactly like it was said - but it is the implication I draw from it).
I find it amazing how people can visit this Blog and ASSUME they know me, and from my postings here ASSUME they understand the circumstances and outcome of
Minnedosa, and by their comments (usually anonymous) know the TRUTH of what has transpired. I find it mind boggling ...
I wonder if any of those who have posted have ever given half of
their life to something, through training, and practise, only to be told - NOT officially, but by the action and inaction of others - that you are no longer welcome.
I have been in Ministry for 16 years as an ordained Minister, that was preceded by 3 years of Theological Training and 4 years of Undergraduate studies - and NOW, I am no longer welcomed in the United Church ... oh, on paper I am simply retained on the roll ... but with the total and complete destruction of my reputation and the loss of my call in
Minnedosa the welcome mat has been rolled up and I've been beaten with it ... AND over and over I encounter the "OH!!! YOU were THAT Minister in
Minnedosa ..." and the reaction of the person is CLEAR ...
Let it go ???
Oh, I've let it go ... but I will NOT let go my desire and commitment for JUSTICE.
I was held accountable for MY actions. The former staff of the Church, and members of the Board and Choir who conspired, whether intentionally or unintentionally, to have me removed from Ministry in
Minnedosa because I engaged in a foolish conflict with a local business in a misguided and utterly stupid attempt to help a family with alcohol issues; have NEVER been called to task for their actions. I've read the 333/363 review and have identified the LIES spoken by members of the BOARD to
exaggerate my actions and justify destroying my reputation. Then there is the WHOLE ISSUE of the lies and gossip and incompetence that marked the public exchange about me ... THAT'S a whole other rant ...
I've had my name "out there" for pulpit supply - an ability that has NEVER been doubted nor criticised - and I have yet to be called by any CHURCH within
Assiniboine Presbytery ... oh, wait - it's ALL MY FAULT because I speak out here about what I've been through, and people don't want to call me to preach lest I reveal some of the truth about how I've been treated from the pulpit ... (silly me)
I've been told - ANONYMOUSLY - to move on ... I will when the Church - The United Church of Canada hold accountable for THEIR ACTIONS the Board, the Ministry and
Personnell Committee, the Building Committee, and the Choir of
Minnedosa United Church that was not in the best interests of the Pastoral Charge or the Pastoral Relationship. I've been held to
task for my actions and behaviour - the 'CHURCH' was held accountable for structural problems while the report itself perpetuated and promoted the very behaviour that was problematic.
bottomline is that Ministry
personell are PEOPLE. Like Shakespeare's Shylock, we have feelings, we bleed, we hurt, we remain are affected by many things and often we are left in a very harsh and lonely place by the political machinations that mark small rural pastoral charges that are simply
The fire three years ago laid bare the deep divisions that exist in
Minnedosa, both the Church and the Community. In the hours after the fire I contacted resources across North America who had experience in church fires, and they counselled me to prepare for, and equip the people for a fire storm of emotion that will do far more damage than the fire itself ... I tried IN VAIN to bring those resources into the community - even the books I bought AT MY PERSONAL EXPENSE (most of which were never returned) were largely ignored. The few people who borrowed and read them valued them and asked for more resources - but almost NONE of those who read the books were on the Board - the Board arrogantly assumed it had all the answers!!
Three years later the perpetuation of injustice remains ...
Oh, and the references I make to current events are not about comparing those events to the things I've experienced ... I use current events to illustrate the trends and machinations that are at work BEHIND the experiences I've been through ... THERE is a DIFFERENCE.
I cited the Bill Hicks' appearance on Letterman, not because I wanted an apology from Letterman, but because I LOVE HICKS' comedy, and discovering he had FINALLY made his last appearance on Letterman was notable.
My references to current events is part of Barth-
ian preaching - the Word of God in one hand, and the Newspaper in the other ... in a context where the majority of preaching has fallen into an insipid,
namsy-pansy, warm pink fuzzy justification for complacency and inaction - preaching from the WORD this is not only uncommon, it is also very uncomfortable. I don't really expect most of my colleagues, nor those active in the United Church to understand the difference, nor to comprehend the finer details of this ... but then again, I am not writing for those in the Church who can't see such things, I am writing for those who want to CHANGE the way things are and experience the transformation of the Spirit that is promised by our faith when we stop the small minded machinations ...
AND, for the record - I have a very happy life ... I've gotten free of the toxic cesspool of
Minnedosa. Rampant
teenaged drinking and recreational sex, "secret" affairs by prominent and supposedly "RESPECTED" community leaders, and horrendously hypocritical behaviours by those who will smile to your face but stab you in the back have no appeal to me ... I'm quite happy to live my life away from that - particularly when I know NOW that the active gossiping about me was a vain attempt to divert attention from the skeletons that threatened to fall out of many closets ... skeletons that are tumbling ALL OVER the floor for people who are suddenly learning that their excrement really does smell ...
Three years after the fire ... the wound remains
un-healed ... I've moved on ... BUT I'll openly express my GRIEF that it has meant leaving a Church that I have loved since my childhood. A Church I have proudly and passionately served. A Church that could be so much more than it is, if only the toxic leadership was removed.
I love my life ... but I weep for my Church ... and I have ample reason, far beyond
Minnedosa to have tears welling in my eyes ... as do others who care about their faith and their Church ...