Some days just don't go as planned ...
My day started well enough ... sleep in past nine ... got up and got the coffee ready ... then it was a whirlwind of unexpected and unplanned happenings, that has still left my 2-Do list un 2-Do'ed ...
By the time Noahkila, Beetle and I sat down to a dinner of chicken noodle soup, and grilled cheese sandwiches, I had accomplished nothing I set out to do, but a whole whack of un-expected things ... tops on the list was having to run to the local dollar store to replace the wrapping paper and gift bag for the present Ms.H was taking to the sleep over birthday party ... thanks to Flute, the beautiful wrapping job she had done yesterday was spread ALL OVER THE INTERIOR of the van in the ten minutes Noahkila and I were in Canadian Tire helping Beetle look at new bikes ...
Tonight the upside is - four loads of laundry and a short very COLD bike ride later, I at least feel like I accomplished something ... tomorrow I WILL get the two articles written, start on my sermon AND get my damned desk cleaned off ...
In the meantime ... life happens ... and it's ALL good ... I just wish Flute would stop chewing stuff up ...
dont swear, from beetle
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