Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Open the flood gates ...

Hmmm ... I can point to a dozen or more cars and trucks in this picture and tell you what kind it is, whether it is a hot wheels or a matchbox, and whether I or my brother had it ... and I might be able to tell you EXACTLY where it is right now ... such is the legacy of our childhood and the many hours we both spent playing with our matchbox, hot wheels, corgi and other cars along with our lego cities ...

Neither Scott or I really left our hot wheels behind ... Scott amassed an impressive and formidable collection in the years since we left our childhood behind. The dozens of tiny cars and trucks still on their cardboard backings may represent an wise investment on his part.

Today though, as I was wondering through a Zellers store, finding myself in the aisle lined with dozens upon dozens of these little cars left me teary-eyed ... for the last twenty years or so, every time I found myself in front of the hot wheels display I would look for interesting cars that I could buy for myself, or buy to send to Scott. Over the years the kids and I have sent many cars to Uncle Scott for his birthday and for Christmas ...

Today as I stood in front of the display I found myself crying ... learning about Indigo's untimely passing contributed to my feelings, but I know it was simply a natural extension of ALL I've been through ... and I don't really care ... sometimes when tears come, you just have to let them flow, and today standing in front of the hot wheels display was one of those moments ...

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