Thursday, November 11, 2010

We Remember ...

Today, for the first time in my ministry, I was invited to lay a wreath before the Cenotaph during a Remembrance Day Service ... as I climbed the stone stairs before the simple monument that marking the sacrifice of the fallen who left this community and never returned, I thought of my Grandfather who began a similar journey not far from here when he joined the Royal Canadian Navy and left his family behind to spend 6 years in the service ... I thought of the men and women whom I have met over the years who have shared their memories, experiences and stories about their time serving God, and King (Queen) and Country in Two World Wars and the many peace keeping missions that have forged the identity of this nation ... and I thought about the first hand experiences I've been blessed to hear ranging from Afghanistan to Vimy, from the men who have been there ...

Today as I laid the wreath, I thought of the many moments that have shaped my experiences and recollections of Remembrance and I gave thanks that I have been privileged to have met so many men and women who have been part of this story and experience. I realized as I placed the wreath that none of them ever asked for respect or special treatment, but on November 11th, they each remembered quietly and reflectively the losses and the experiences they have been part of ... none of them ever called themselves heroes, and none of them expressed support of armed conflict and war as a solution ... instead they looked back, wept and remembered ...

Today it got me thinking, that we need to follow thier lead and quietly acknowledge the losses that have defined this nation, and recognize that in a time and place of Remembrance it is about recalling the fallen and nothing more ...

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