Friday, December 22, 2006

Nice One Mr Strahl ...

Dear Mr Strahl, this letter is to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Very Happy New Year ... enjoy it, because if the actions of your Government over the last few weeks is any indication, your time in office is already waning ...

Mr Strahl, you claim to be from a party that not only espoused values of democracy and every vote counting, yet you seem to be ignoring the will of the majority, for the sake of a minority ... Have you and your caucus mates taken the whole minority government thing too seriously??

I think you know where I stand, as a non farmer, on your approach to the Canadian Wheat Board. But Mr Strahl, the question you need to ask yourself as a Proud Canadian, is simply this - "Why do our American Cousins want the Wheat Board eliminated??"

Mr Strahl, I've not been in politics, but I do read - alot - and I've learned that if the Americans (to paint with broad generalities) want to eliminate something that we Canadians have, that's a pretty clear indication that we should be circling the wagons and preparing a good defense of whatever it is ... I remember the US manufacturing companies deciding that they didn't like the Auto Pact that kept Ontario car manufacturing plants humming - so after Free Trade not only was the Auto Pact gone, so too are most of those factories, and their good paying jobs ...

Call me crazy Mr Strahl, but I see parallels here ... in 10 or 15 years the prairie wheat farmer will likely have gone through the same nonsense the auto workers of Southern Ontario have ... it's not worth it Mr Strahl ... it's really not worth it.

I hope you have a Merry Christmas Mr Strahl, because I think there are two very fine candidates for your job ... One is Inky Mark, I may not agree with everything he says and does, but he atleast is listening to the farmers in our constituency ... and the other Candidate is a guy named Adiran Measner, he is currently available for work, and he knows how to represent the interests of farmers, not agri-business ...

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