I'll have more about that later ... for now, I want to share the delightful comment I just found posted by a reader:
i am a goth and im really surprised and glad to se... i am a goth and im really surprised and glad to see that some christians do not hate goths. its really amazing and well, surprising becuse of all the bad press that we have been getting recently especially from a site called godhatesgoths.their information is sadly misguided and the REV RG GREEN needs to stop being so blind and do some research because if he doesnt watch himself some "goth" will get so angry and have had enough and then go mental and hurt someone. that woukld be unfortunate because it is not our way really and we dont really jhate everyone. that would be really unfortunate. i hope he sees his mistake and stops before it is too late. respect to you and all the people who believe what believe, the gothic princess
Thanks The Gothic Princess ... I hope you come back anytime !!
What's the date on that comment to which you refer?
The date on the comment was YESTERDAY ... it was left on the posting found here:
I was googling some goth related search, and the little square graphic with the few facts about goths came up, and I saw it was on a site with a very Christian name and my initial reaction was going to be "oh no, another site claiming we're all a bunch of Satanists" but decided that I wasn't going to judge before I read. I'm very happy I did read, because I was proved completely wrong. It's nice to see common sense from the openly Christian because the most vocal 'Christians' I meet don't tend to be very good at following the teachings of Christ and very good at condemming. I was stopped in the street by street-preacher the other day, who, despite the fact I was wearing a rather obvious Celtic cross, decided to harangue me about my supposed 'Satanism'. No chance for me to explain about being a choir girl at St. Mary's... Thankyou for being open-minded and tolerant and for putting something on the web that shows to other Goths out there that Christianity has not placed itself as our enemy - that is the action of a rabid minority, not a faith, and certainly not God.
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