Thursday, October 23, 2008

Good Morning Flute ...

And so the day began at our house at 6am ... Flute had her first run outside for the day, then a hearty breakfast that didn't seem to be chewed but simply inhaled followed by a climb up the stairs to play in Ms H's room - much to the chagrine of her precious kitty Chrysanthemum who has assumed a perpetual state of "hiss and spit" towards the puppy ...

An hour later, a thoroughly tuckered out little Flute collapsed on the couch for a sleep:

No doubt dreaming of more adventures in her new home ... though I'm sure she also misses her little brother and their canine companions at the Foster Home ...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She would look evan cutter in a Halloween outfit. Your birthday is Halloween right? So you should buy a Halloween costume for Flute.