Wednesday, February 28, 2007
I LOVE my bread machine revisted ...
You're looking at the results ... it might not be the prettiest looking loaf, but if it tastes half as good as it smelled baking, it will be delicious ...
I'll let you know ...
Tonight ...
Definitely & Distinctly Canadian ... Famous Folks ...
Alex Trebek
The Kingon General Chang,
The multi-faceted actor
of stage and screen:
Christopher Plummer
The inventor of Basketball !!
T.J. Hooker,
a "singer",
spokesperson for All Bran Cereal,
the distinctive and unforgettable:
William Shatner.
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
And the Oscar SHOULD go to ...
Katie was the director, editor, and producer of the film, David the writer and producer and Annie had a small acting part in the beginning of the film ...
I was delighted to receive a dvd copy of the film some months ago, and have watched it over and over and over again ...
The screen play is based on a short story by Katie's father Roger (a man of enormous talent in his own right) that under the skillful hand of David, has been translated into something amazing ... All elements of the film - the visual images, the acting, the dialogue, the music, and even the editing ... ALL of it, comes together in a seamless production that is simply breathtaking.
Quirky, delightful and utterly enchanting. Cold Tea is in my opinion: AMAZING!!
So, tonight as they get ready to head to Sedona, I want to wish Katie, David and Annie all the best ...
Have fun.
Knock their socks off.
Enjoy yourselves.
And most of all make the connections you need to launch yourselves into bringing to the world more wonderful films like Cold Tea !! (Periodically Katie posts some of her short home videos on her blog - they are worth watching!!)
And may you and Cold Tea "break a leg" ...
I'll be sending you all the good energy I can find in the cosmos ... and this week I'll be watching Cold Tea and hoping that others see what an incredible film it really is ...
You guys rock, and so does your film !!!!
Break a Leg !!! And tell us all about it ...
Okay ... I gotta ask ...
I applaud goal. Heck, I even applaud the effort. BUT ...
Today it was reported that Magna (Daddy's company - and Belinda's too), had posted a profit of only 29 MILLION dollars ... that on sales in excess of 24 BILLION - that with a 'B' - BILLION. (where is Carl Sagan when you need him ???)
Does any one else see a problem or a disconnect here ???
Belinda wants to raise $5 000 000 for the Bed Nets ... couldn't she, and shouldn't she, just get Daddy to cut a cheque and write it off as a donation for a tax break ??
Is it me or have the wealthy lost touch with the world in which the rest of us live ???
I applaud your goal Belinda, but why do ordinary Canadians have to pay for it ?? Could you scrape together a couple of million from the spare change lying around your many homes???
Just wonderin'...
Monday, February 26, 2007
Kinda Cool ...
... this voice wasn't speaking English. This voice was speaking Spanish (for some of my more urbane readers - remember we're talking about rural Manitoba here)!! It was an advertisement for one of the Car Dealers in Brandon - and the entire voice over was done in Spanish !!
"Brilliant!!" I exclaimed ... The massive Hog processing plant in Brandon has been bringing in workers from Mexico lately. This has meant more and more encounters with non-English speakers in and around Brandon.
Clearly one of the car dealerships is taking a calculated risk on attracting a new customer base by offering them a salesman and an advertisement aimed specifically at them in their own language. This is one of those moments wherein I'm proud of Canada and its multicultural heritage. I think it's just very, very cool !!
Wise Counsel ...
Sunday, February 25, 2007
The TWO Hardest words to speak:
The Lesson for Today ...
The young man told the old man he wanted his life to be significant and have meaning. He wanted to leave an impression in the world. The young man shared his hopes, his dreams, his heart. The young spoke of what aspirations and visions that drove him. He talked about all the things he wanted to do to win people's respect, and appreciation ...
The old man listened then he told the young man to fetch a pail of water. The young man did as he was told and placed the bucket brimming with water down before the Master.
"Now," said the old man, "put your hand in the bucket."
The young man did as he was asked, and water sloshed out over his feet.
"Now, quickly remove your hand ..." said the old man.
The young man again complied.
"Now, young man," the old man pointed at the bucket, "the hole you've left in the water is the difference you'll make in the world, and the thanks you'll get for being here ..."
Today I learned what that email really means ...
Saturday, February 24, 2007
One of those days ...
oops ..
Flat Stanley at Work ...
First he got into the Fair Trade Coffee ...
Then he played with the photocopier and got himself stuck ...
And hen checked out the plans for the NEW church ...
Still need to get him to Chipperfields' for coffee ...
Friday, February 23, 2007
Daddy I want ...
Noahkila: "I know what kind of dog I really want."
Beetle: "I want a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel."
Noahkila: "Yeah me too !! What kind do you want dad?"
Dad: "I would like a nice Newf."
Noahkila: "Yeah, I knew that too."
Dad: "She has to be pretty though, and kind. She needs to be able to cook well, and keep my bed warm. And it would really nice if she was good with kids and didn't mind helping out around the house doing some of the chores."
Ms H.: "Are you talking about a DOG?"
Dad: "No, she would have to be pretty."
Noahkila: "DAD !! We were talking about what kind of DOG you want, not a person ..."
Dad: "Oh ... I guess I'd want a Newfoundlander for a dog too ..."
Is Ms Rice Embarassed by the Concept of Peace??
The gold medal and parchment proclaiming the prize, are housed as a permanent display in the lobby of the Lester B. Pearson Building in Ottawas where the Canadian Ministry of Foreign Affairs is headquartered.
Today it was reported that the statue of the LIBERAL Prime Minister, his medal and the parchment were to be covered up for the photo op being held in Ottawa with Foreign Affairs Minister Peter McKay, Ms Condoleeza Rice, the US Secretary of State, and their Mexican counterpart.
The hiding away of the statue and medal has been deemed "unprecedented" by Canadian Media outlets ... the theory offered has been the Conservative Government's attempts at hiding away achievements of their Liberal predecessors.
Personally, I think it is for a simpler reason than that ... Ms Rice is a member of a Cabinet that once had a guy named John Ashcroft who had Lady Justice covered up during his press conferences because of her bare breasts. I wonder if it is simply the concepts of Justice and Peace that make Ashcroft and Rice and their cronies so uncomfortable??
That seems like a more likely explanation ... they are part of an administration who doesn't want to be reminded of things like justice, peace and other such ideals that they have been ineffective at realizing an achieving ...
Space and Togetherness ...
The prophet speaks of marriage:
But let there be spaces in your togetherness,
And let the winds of the heavens dance between you.
Love one another but make not a bond of love:
Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls.
Fill each other's cup but drink not from one cup.
Give one another of your bread but eat not from the same loaf.
Sing and dance together and be joyous, but let each one of you be alone,
Even as the strings of a lute are alone though they quiver with the same music.
Give your hearts, but not into each other's keeping.
For only the hand of Life can contain your hearts.
And stand together, yet not too near together:
For the pillars of the temple stand apart,
And the oak tree and the cypress grow not in each other's shadow.
Definitely and Distinctly Canadian ... The Edison Connection!
Now back to our regular feature ... I would like to share an extract from a book entitled "Floodtides of Fortune" by Adelaide Leitch. Floodtides is the story of Stratford Ontario ... in it she writes the following:
... a 16 year old boy cam to town in 1863 to take his first job away from his home in Port Huron Michigan. The job was that of night telegrapher ... he was a round-faced, blue-eyed lad who dreamed great dreams. His stay in Stratford was brief and his departure abrupt.
From the beginning he was an experimenter ... The 7pm to 7 am shift suited him beautifully, giving him long, day light hours for his experimenting and allied projects. Because of his nighthawk shifts he was able, one day, to take the day train to Goderich to get the platinum electrodes from over 80 cells of old, broken up batteries. This platinum would still be used in his labratory 40 years later.
To show that he was on duty, the young night operator was required to send the signal "6" every hour to the train dispatcher. To take care of that, he rigged a wheel with notches cut in the circumference and attached it to a clock in such a way that the night watchman could start it Each hour, the turning wheel dutifully sent the morse code for the "sixing" while he blissfully cat napped. However it finally occurred to the central control office that there was something very strange indeed going on since "Sf" could not be roused even when the central dispatcher called back immediately after the sixing signal had come through. They soon investigated. There was a reprimand ...
One night, a message came through from the dispatcher to hold a freight train until the arrival of another. He acknowledged reciept of the message, then ran from his office to tell the signalman. It was probably not his fault, but he was too late. The train was already pulling past him. Horrified he dashed back to report he couldn't stop it !
Luckily, the line between Stratford and St Mary's was a straight one. The engineers of the opposing trains saw one another in time to stop.
The young man took off for home in Port Huron on the first freight train out of Stratford. The Grand Trunk still owed him wages, but henever came back for them. He collected only his clothes - and his precious hoard of platinum ...
In the Stratford Ontario Train Station is a small bronze plaque that says: "IN Commemoration of Thomas Alvin Edison, employed in this city as a telegraph operator by the Grand Trunk Railway, 1863/4."
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Definitely and Distinctly Canadian ... Inventions ...
And then there were TWO ...
The New Church Plans ...
Just Stating the Obvious ...
Flat Stanley goes to school ...
Our first stop was the school library ... Stan was thrilled when we found copies of HIS BOOKS:
with Stan while I read the story.
I left, and Stan spent the rest of the afternoon hanging out in class:
Beetle's class was glad to meet him ...
Joy in Small Things ...
(Wish I could get a picture of the Blue Jay ... maybe tomorrow)
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Today's Problem ...
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Super Dad Returns ...
I baked several dozen chocolate chip cookies, a dozen raisin bran muffins, a loaf of bread (in the bread machine), a pot of spaghetti, AND I did two loads of laundry ... the only opps in the whole experience was forgetting to put the detergent in with one load of laundry ...
Then it was off to a Parents' Advisory Council meeting at the kids' school ...
Upon further investigation ...
A Joy for Today ...
Hot Coffee, Cold Tea and a Fiery Leo Woman on a Journey just begun ...
Hurrah !!! Hurrah !!!
Pop over and join in the festivities that began a year ago when a Leo woman went on line and shared her horoscope inspired personal ad, her love of coffee and her passion for a wonderful short film she has helped bring into being called "Cold Tea."
Since that fateful day, she has shared life's highs and lows. She made her readers laugh and even cry. She's offered words of profound wisdom, observations of poignant (and at times gut wrenching) reflection and enchanting proclamations of silliness.
With wit, wisdom, laughter, light and an enormous heart full of love, Katie has shared a journey with her readers that has caused us to feel almost every emotion known to the human family ... At the Half Note has been a great read and a profoundly moving journey of a very real human spirit finding her way in the world and claiming her path, her power and her future ... Along the way she's introduced us to music, food, and a wonderful cast of characters with whom she shares her New York life ...
So, Happy Birthday At The Half Note, and may you and Katie continue this wondrous journey ... & THANK YOU for what you've given us so far ...
Monday, February 19, 2007
Prairie, Chipps and Minne, get a little sister ...
To many it is simpl graffiti, but it has always struck me as a form of modern art that is posited on what is perhaps the world's largest mobile Art Gallery ... With thousands of train cars passing through hundreds of communities, we ALL have an opportunity to see for ourselves examples of urban art set free by unknown artists who have creatively (some would say - destructively) placed their art on the sides of train cars for all to see.
I've taken up thier challenge. I usually travel with my digital camera now, and have been intending to feature some of this Rolling Art on this blog, but today after a long cold walk along some of the grain cars parked on the sidings here in Minnedosa, I realized that the pictures could quickly over run the Blog ... So, instead I decided on my walk back to put them on a NEW Blog that will feature the Rail Road art that passes through town every day ...
So, Rolling Art was born ... with a few clicks of the key board, a couple of buttons pushed on the digital camera and some time ... the blogs I've tended over the last year got a little sister ... I'm not sure where she'll go ... but it will be a place where my camera and I are able to play ... feel free to join us: Rolling Art
Comfort the Afflicted, Afflict the Comfortable ...
But these words in the liturgy stood out for me:
As we broke bread and looked backwards and forwards in our life as a community and as people, the understanding of the Gospel as a message that will simulataneously comfort those who have been afflicted by the world, and will afflicted those who have grown comfortable and complacent seemed real ... the challenge now is to live THAT ...