As a constituent in her riding ... I am NOT impressed by Ms Rowat's comment ... have we NOT learned from the video tape examples that surfaced recently in Saskatchewan where now esteemed members of the Political Establishment were caught in candid moments saying grossly inappropriate things ON TAPE ????
Now Ms Rowat gets caught saying something that WAS TOTALLY INAPPROPRIATE and even though she offered an "immediate" apology, her leader claims THIS IS PLAYING POLITICS ...
No way Mr McFayden ... this is plain a simple a mis-judgement on Ms Rowat's part, and an apology is NOT ONLY owed but should be IMMEDIATELY given ... then everyone can get back to the business of representing the BEST interests of the people of this Province in the Legislature.
Ms. Rowat DO THE RIGHT THING - just say you're sorry for a stupid comment that was wrong, wrong, wrong !!!
Mind you - I've been waiting for an apology from some folks for quite awhile, and they've justified what they said and what they've done too ... so, maybe the First Nations folks of Manitoba will be waiting awhile for an apology too !!!
CBC's report on the story is:
The grand chief of Manitoba's Southern Chiefs Organization is demanding an official apology from the provincial Conservative party for what he labels a racist remark made by an MLA.
Chief Morris Shannacappo took exception to a comment by Tory aboriginal affairs critic Leanne Rowat during question period in the legislature last Thursday.
Rowat, the MLA for Minnedosa, called out "wine and beer" when a cabinet minister used the word "sustenance" in a debate about aboriginal fishing.
"It sounded like a classroom of maybe — well, I shouldn't say Grade 2 or Grade 3, because those children know how to play well together without any cultural differences," said Shannacappo, who heard a recording of the comment on YouTube.
"Certainly ignorance is running rampant within that room."
Conservative Leader Hugh McFadyen says the comment was taken out of context.
It's a running commentary at the legislature to refer to "wine and beer" whenever the word "sustenance" is used, a practice dating back to a debate about the NDP's "spirited energy" branding campaign for the province, he said.
Rowat did nothing wrong, McFadyen said, and no official apology is needed.
"As soon as she said it, she realized the potential for it to be taken out of context, and she went immediately and explained it to Speaker George Hickes, [and aboriginal MLAs] Oscar Lathlin and Eric Robinson, all of whom were very understanding," he said.
McFadyen accused the NDP of playing politics with a divisive issue.
(source: http://www.cbc.ca/canada/manitoba/story/2008/04/30/wine-and-beer.html)
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