Friday, April 04, 2008

Today's Forecast ...

I've NEVER been a big one for horoscopes ... but lately, they've been almost freakishly pertinent to my life ... Today is no exception.

First my Chinese Horoscope:

Social relationships, friendships, and supportive alliances are strengthened now. Your energy and confidence are high and you can accomplish much in a harmonious, flowing manner right now.

Next my astrological Horoscope:

Don't let anyone rush you into doing anything you don't want to do. Sudden changes at work may be inevitable. You can't expect your current situation to last forever. Be willing to take advantage of any new opportunities that are presented to you.

And Last, but perhaps most remarkable - the Horoscope from the Brandon Sun:

You've been so accepting lately that it startles you to come up against someone thinking in narrow and perhaps archaic terms. Go around this person. DO NOT ENGAGE! It would take the jaws of life to pry this closed mind open!

I'll tell ya how it turns out ...

1 comment:

AMGallegos said...

Hey, I'm Scorpio too. I like Rob Brezney's "un-astrology". It's here at:

Not sure if he consults the stars or not, but it's some of the best writing around, imo.