Two men were walking down a path chatting about life. Suddenly, one man stooped down and picked up a gold coin he found in the gravel and dirt under his feet.
"Look at this," he exclaimed, "I bet it's very valuable."
His companion merely shrugged, "I suppose," he offered.
The first man was finished his walk and the two rushed off to take the found coin to a shop where the first man was paid an enormous amount of money for the precious coin. As he tucked the thick wad of money in his pocket he chuckled happily, "I will keep my eyes on the paths I walk from now on," he said to his friend, "that way I will never miss finding another valuable coin like that one."
His friend just shrugged.
As life went on, as it does, the first man continued to walk with his eyes fixed firmly on the path in front of him. He was always searching for another coin, or another lost treasure. He lived in the hope that one day he would again stumble across another valuable coin.
The other man continued to walk. Rather than stooping and watching the path beneath his feet, the second man instead watched the passing scenery. He enjoyed the wildlife and people that he met along the way, and he enjoyed the changing colours of the seasons and all the beauty that was found as he continued his walks.
Many years later as the two men walked along the same path where the coin was found the first man said wistfully, "Remember that day I found that precious coin?"
The second man nodded and said, "I remember."
The two men stopped, one stood tall and erect, his eyes clear, his back straight. The other man was stooped and hunched over, his eyes were strained from years of desperate searching, his back was curved and aching ...
"I never found another coin like it," said the stooped man, "I have spent my life looking ... searching even. But all I have to show for it is a sore back, bad eyes and a few discarded items people have dropped along the way ..."
The second man, standing tall looked about him and smiled, "I've never looked for a gold coin under my feet, but instead enjoyed the many wondrous things that are found all around us. The vistas and scenery and the people I've met along the way all of them were right in front of me, and I saw them because I didn't walk looking only at the path ahead of me ... I never found the coin, but I think I have enjoyed something much more valuable."
The first man nodded as they continued their journey ... "Perhaps if I hadn't been looking so hard for a lost coin, I might have found the treasure that was always there for me ..."
The second man nodded and offered his friend his arm as they walked together ...
1 comment:
Thanks for that Rev.!
With love, Katie, New York City.
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