I'm struggling with how much of my journeys with Monty I should be sharing on my blog ... I know there are individuals out there taking note of such admissions of what they percieve to be weakness so they can undermine me and my ministry ... but for every one like that, I trust there are a dozen others who can, with reflection, care and intelligence take my words and my experiences and see the whisper of hope that underlies my personal struggles ... I have to believe that ...
I'm sensitive to criticism. Perhaps I'm too sensitive to criticism for one in a very public position where so many people have strongly held notions of what is appropriate for a minister and what is not ...
I've often over reacted to stinging criticism, and I've been deeply wounded by unwarranted attacks on my character and my ministry ...
But having said all of that, I struggle most of all with the response from within the Church to some of the ideas I offer here ... I frequently hit the "publish post" button with the apprehension of - "what storm will this cause??" looming for me ... This weekend's posts are no exception ...
I've spoken sharply and I've spoken honestly. I've spoken from my heart ... the words I've offered are from my experiences and my reflections, and they are mine and mine alone. And for some, they may not be comfortable nor comforting ... and for some it may be a ruffling of their feathers they don't like ...
I'm not sure what I can do about it ...
In the midst of all of this though I recieved a short email from a friend who summed it all up in a few short words:
It’s amazing how many people use religion as an excuse for exclusivity and hatred. Jesus said, “Love one another”. He DIDN’T say, “Love one another, EXCEPT… (for the Gays, the Muslims, anyone with a different colour of skin… etc. etc….)” There ain’t no “EXCEPT” in Christianity. At least, there isn’t SUPPOSED to be… It’s all about being kind, to my mind…
I couldn't help but smile and say aloud - "AMEN !!!" (even Monty wagged his tail on this one!!)
Could you imagine what the world could be like if everyone was just kind ... ???
Do we dare even think it ???
Do we even dare to try and live it ???
What a radical concept - "be kind" ... it sort of echoes "love one another" that came from that radical guy who gave us the story of the Good Samaritan in a world where Samaritans where anything but ...
When I think about how the world treated him and I realize that if criticism and anger is the worst they can toss at me, I'm getting off pretty lucky...
(the picture is entitled Good Samaritan, by He Qi, an artist from China. To learn more about him click on the link ...)
Cliff, non-conformist
This was strange. Unexpected and confusing.
The sun was shining; where you stood in its light, you could feel the
gentle heat. Otherwise, along the edges...
9 hours ago
1 comment:
Thanks for this, Rev... It gives ME faith, that even though I'm just a Heathen Anglican... you think I'm on the right track.
It's incredible to think that in actual fact, the thing that made Jesus SUCH a revolutionary in his time was the fact that simply saying, "Love one another" and "Be kind" were ideas that amazed and inspired many... and threatened and frightened even more.
The more things change, the more they stay the same, eh?
In so many ways, it's a sad, scary place, this old world of ours.
But take heart-- I have faith that ultimately, good HAS to overcome evil, and love will trump hatred.
Without faith like that, what else have we got?
Keep up your good work, and tell Monty to "Heel! Good dog."
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