Sunday, October 21, 2007

Bumper Stickers I'd LIKE to see ...

I found the following quotations in
Shopping for God by James B Twitchell:
Religion consists in a set of things which the average man
thinks he believes and wishes he was certain of.
- Mark Twain
Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully
as when they do it from religious conviction.
- Pascal
Religions are founded on the fear of many,
and the cleverness of the few.
- Stendhal
At present, there is not a single credible
established religion in the world.
- George Bernard Shaw
Religion is the great unmentionable evil.
- Gore Vidal
Religion is the most malevolent of all mind viruses.
- Arthur C. Clarke
The sad thing is ...
these voices bridge several hundred years of
critical thought about religion, yet for some reason
the leadership of those religions continues NOT to heed them.
Maybe if bumper stickers like this started showing up
in mall parking lots and in the odd church parking lot,
their sentiment and message might finally be heard ...
One can always hope ...
... in the meantime, maybe I need to find a
bumper sticker printing company !?!?
We dare NOT to listen at our peril.

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