For those who know me this should come as no surprise: I LOVE a good old argumentative debate ... I love the give and take of a good verbal exchange ... In the finest parliamentary tradition, I LOVE debate ...
So when I started in ministry and offered sermons that were on the border of controversial, I welcomed the arrival on the threshold of my office door of those individuals who wanted to discuss something I may have said in my latest sermon ...
In Bella Coola a 90+ year old retired Nurse used to leave Church each week with a steely glare fixed upon me and a pointing finger speaking the words - "WE need to talk ..."
I would dully head over to see her later in the week and have a pointed, clear and sometimes heated discussion with the dear old dame, as she questioned my ideas and offered her own ... The repeated exchanges lead me to hold a Bible Study with her and others in the extended care rooms of the hospital, so that THEIR thoughts and reflections could help to shape my upcoming sermon, rather than be offered after the fact.
Along the way, I've grown to love the Bible Study groups I've been privileged to be part of. The conversations that occur are seldom "yes" sessions, but are times of glorious discussion, debate and at times open argument!!! I've left such moments savouring the sweet taste of diversity, knowing that I am enriched when someone shares with ME their thoughts and opinions ... and often a seed is planted within my psyche that will in time grown and alter my own opinions and beliefs ...
Even here in Minnedosa there has been one delightful soul who has never shied away from arriving on my door step with the words - "Listen, I have to talk to you ..." What would follow could involve argument, laughter, or even tears ... This person would, without apology, express their opinions and tell me bluntly when they thought I was being an ass - offer criticism of what I might have said - and even call me to task for something I may have said or have done ... I welcomed the moments and look back on them with fondness because I am a better person for the sharing of thier life experiences.
I look back and see these sessions as positive occurances because I have always WELCOMED the diversity of belief and opinion that can only help to expand my horizons and my own understanding and beliefs ... when those individuals arrive on my doorstep and point at me and utter the words - "I have to talk to you ..." I smile because what WILL follow will be and honest sharing of ideas, thoughts and faith, and I am richer for it ...
So to those who read these words ... feel free to leave comments, but consider identifying yourself so we can have a conversation about it ... I welcome hearing what others have to say ...
Cliff, non-conformist
This was strange. Unexpected and confusing.
The sun was shining; where you stood in its light, you could feel the
gentle heat. Otherwise, along the edges...
9 hours ago
I call myself "MyOwnWoman" despite the fact that is NOT my given name. Does that give me some sort of identity?
I am young (51) and still fearful to let people (let alone people who actually know me) know that my name is Sandy from Sarasota, or Nancy from New York.
My writings are for me, my catharsis; but I do put my opinions on other people's blogs and generally they will comment back on mine.
Oh's only noon and I'm already confused. Am I a person or not?
I'm afraid that if I come out and be "open" it is not only I who would be a target but my daughter as well.
Call me a coward, I am not ready to risk her safety.
Buttttttttttttttttttttt.........I am "MyOwnWoman" no matter where I post.
You are neither a coward, nor wholly anonymous ... you have signed your comments here and elsewhere under your nom'de'plum !
While your true Identity is hidden, your super-hero identity is not - you stand proudly as a blogger. I can if I chose move over to your site and offer comments in return ... THAT is not a form of cowardice.
Cowardice are those who use complete anonymity, not to build up and offer reflective criticism, or even the occasional compliment - but negative, bitter and hate-filled comments that serve only as an attempt to hurt - usually me.
Using a "name" that is available for response, even if it is not your real name is not anonymity - it leaves the door open for replies and conversation ... BUT, posting a note that is nasty and brutish anonymously is what i'm talking about ...
I have no problem with some owning their comments, even under an unknown Blogger name ... So please continue ... I'm a fan of your blog - and you truly are YOUR own woman - and good on ya !!!
What are you doing posting pictures of my father on your blog??!
Guess I'm no longer anonymous, either...
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