Some of the comments were abusive in tone and content ... and none really served to enhance or continue any of the discussions that happen around here ... so I have chosen to withhold the comments rather than continue a cycle that is fast becoming abusive ...
But having said that I would like to assure the anonymous commentator who asks that I should wake up and admit that it is I who is f----d up, that they have clearly NOT been reading the blog, or if they have they haven't been comprehending what they've read ...I will be the first to admit that I am on a journey that has been far from easy ... I have my issues that require intentional work to address and heal ... far from picking fault with the speck in anyone's eyes, I have been doing what I can to deal with the log that I KNOW is in mine ...
To the anonymous comment that asked about my response to music ... not all music brings me pain ... never said nor implied that ... I have some music that has bad and negative associations ... and some that still lifts my spirits ... and I'm never above listening to new music to build new associations ... in short - I LOVE music of all kinds, but it is Jazz that speaks to my soul ...
AND a personal note to Sallie ... I've always welcomed your comments, your reflections and your wisdom - and that will never change ... dialogue and discussion is the heart of my life's journey ... so, please continue to post your responses and comments, and I will gladly post them providing they are not hurtful, and contribute to the conversation ...
Having said that ... thanks to the anonymous commentators ... I've read your words, I've just chosen NOT to post them ... but thanks anyway, and please stick around as the conversations here continue ... let's do our best to keep it civil ...
Peace y'all,
Re-read "A New Earth" the chapter titled, "Is That So?"
What makes me cringe more than the ridiculously simple-minded comments you receive, is your continuing need to defend yourself.
You'll be happier and feel stronger when you realize you don't have to.
here I am, taking on a new challenge, the biggest challenge of my life right now.
sorry that my comments have reflected my fear, my negativity...
I am taking on a challenge that I wonder if I am up to.
I will do my best, many lives (among the workers and the residents) are depending on my skills!
I am scared.
sorry if I peed in your cornflakes, Shawn...
kudos to you shawn, when you post difficult comments and react to them. This way you provide credibility! Thanks...
Sallie ... in your uncertainty you have found your strength.
By naming our fear, we lean into it and make it lessen ... and we reduce its control over us.
Look within to find the strength and the resources YOU need to face the challenges before you. You are more than strong enough - life has taught us ALL that much.
Trust in yourself Sallie!!
Oh, and "no harm, no foul" on anything that has been said around here ... my cornflakes are un-peed upon ... besides, I prefer a toasted bagel for breakfast !!
It's ALL GOOD !!!
I have some remarks about the issue of responding to and posting moderated comments.
There is a silly idea going around the Web that freedom of speech involves being able to post anything one like anyplace one pleases -- that there is some "right" associated with the ability to type letters in a little square box and then click on a virtual button.
I disagree. The blog owner is the person with the rights, not anonymous commentators. And yes, we are all anonymous. I can post a complete biography and family tree, and you have no way of knowing if it's bogus or not, unless you are willing to go to a great deal of trouble -- and perhaps not even then.
And that's my point. Someone is taking the time to keep the site updated, to post ideas, information and read and moderate comments. Someone else is maintaining the servers, paying for the bandwidth, and otherwise facilitating the production of the page. People writing comments have no stake in the site, and therefore no right to post as they please. All one has to do is disable comments to get rid of the idiots who have no respect for others, but of course one then throws out the baby with the bath water.
The rights belong to the blogger. I applaud Shawn for bothering to comment at all. I simply hit "delete," and if the person's behavior is really egregious, their address gets marked as a spam site. I do not feel obliged to provide fora for rude people.
Indeed, however, there is an obligation: the commenting person is obliged to observe the same degree of good manners and thoughtfulness as the person who posted the original comment. My blogs are like my living room. If you come into my home and behave politely, we will enjoy a good relationship and you will be welcome to return. If you behave like an ass, I will throw you out on yours, and you have no right to expect to be treated otherwise.
thanks, Shawn, for not throwing me out of your living room, for turning the other cheek and showing me respect.
thank you. You have taught me a lesson.
Bill ... thank you ... your words are wise and worth listening to ...
Sallie - it takes alot to get throw out of my living room ... you're not even close ... and for the record - you've taught me much along the way - the sentiment is mutual!
and Stevie and Katie - THANKS.
It's ALL very very Good!!
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